
Induction Program

Dr. Lori Morgan (209) 292-2728


Induction, formerly known as BTSA, is the required route for both general education and education specialist teachers to earn a clear credential. Induction is the second tier within California’s Learning to Teach System . Induction is a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first year of their preliminary credential.


To be eligible to participate in Teachers College of San Joaquin’s induction program, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be employed with one of TCSJ’s Induction partners.
  • Possess either a California General Education Single Subject or Multiple Subject Preliminary Credential, Education Specialist Preliminary Credential, or an Education Specialist Level I Credential; an out-of-state or out-of-country credential and need induction to clear their credential.
  • Candidates must be teaching in a setting that aligns with the credential they want to clear; are in a P-12 setting where they are teaching the same group of students on a daily or weekly basis; and are able to host observers for candidate’s use in developing and implementing the Individual Learning Plan (ILP).

Program Highlights

  • Candidates are paired with a grade level and/or subject area mentor within 30 days of enrolling in induction. Education Specialist teachers are paired with a mentor who holds the same Education Specialist authorization.
  • Candidates develop an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) that provides the road map for the candidate’s induction experience. The ILP is created based upon each candidate’s needs.
  • The Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) is developed in consultation with their mentor and the site administrator, and is periodically revisited and revised.
  • Candidates receive individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the mentor. Mentoring support includes “just-in-time” and longer-term analysis of teaching practice to help candidates develop enduring professional skills.
  • Candidates reflect upon their professional teacher practice using the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP)

To learn more about Induction Program, visit