
Alternative Dispute Resolution

(209) 468-4908 • Staff Directory

San Joaquin County SELPA develops and provides Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) strategies and training to its staff since 2000. Two of the most widely accessed components of the Alternative Dispute Resolution program are Intake Coordination and Individualized Education Program Facilitation.

Five educational specialists share the job of intake coordination. They assist parents with their questions and concerns and direct them to the next step toward resolving existing or developing disputes. This first-line of action is a preventative measure that allows parents, in many cases, to clarify concerns and discuss options with someone not central to their concerns.

San Joaquin County SELPA has trained more than 200 administrators, program specialists, psychologists, and teachers in the IEP facilitation process. Facilitated IEPs are held within districts in San Joaquin County SELPA and have proven to be very effective. San Joaquin County SELPA continues to support ADR training opportunities in the area. San Joaquin County SELPA staff regularly attends the Annual Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Conference, legal workshops and other professional conferences to bring back and share current practices and programs with SELPA Council of Directors.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Information (English and Spanish)

If you would like to request ADR services, please use our Intake Form.