Biotechnology Bootcamp: Grades 6-8
Come be part of this unique opportunity in San Joaquin County to build your skills! Students will be exposed to hands-on Biotechnology activities that will give them experience to build upon including microbiology, micropipetting, electrophoresis, bioengineering, gene expression, protein quantitation, and protein purification!
Students will learn safety protocols in a science lab, how to record data in their scientific notebooks, and more to prepare them for high school science. Limited space is available for this popular session.
Monday-Wednesday, July 14-16
San Joaquin County Office of Education
Wentworth Education Center
Harmony Grove Lab
2707 Transworld Dr. in Stockton
Cost: $75
CLICK HERE for more information and/or to register.
Biotechnology Bootcamp: Grades 9-10
This Boot Camp will expose students in grades 9-10 to the basic skills and techniques used in the biotechnology field. Students will learn how to use micropipets, vertical and horizontal electrophoresis, colorimeters, and spectrophotometers. Both DNA and proteins will be studied and techniques that are covered could be used as a basis of a science fair project or school based research project.
They will be exposed to cutting edge science as they work with partners in the lab enhancing their notebooking skills and preparing themselves for a possible future in science!
Tuesday-Thursday, July 22-24
San Joaquin County Office of Education
Wentworth Education Center
Harmony Grove Lab
2707 Transworld Dr. in Stockton
Cost: $100
CLICK HERE for more information and/or to register.