
12th Annual County Math Tournament

Team from Julius Cordes Elementary finishes first in fourth- through sixth-grade competition


The 12th Annual San Joaquin County Math Tournament for grades four through six was held on Saturday, April 20, at the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE). About 124 students competed in the high-energy event. Overall, there were 25 teams of fourth- through sixth-graders from 14 San Joaquin County schools registered to compete. Every year a few students receive a perfect or nearly perfect score. These students are recognized as the highest-scoring individuals. This year there are eight highest-scoring individuals. 

This tournament helps schools promote excellence in math, raise student test scores, increase student self-esteem, develop problem-solving skills, and hone cooperative skills in a competitive environment. The SJCOE Mathematics department hosts the County Math Tournament every year. Competitors at the April 20 competition were fourth- through sixth-grade students. The tournament for seventh- and eighth-grade students will be held on May 18.

Top Teams


1st: Julius Cordes Elementary, Team 3, Lammersville Unified School District

2nd: Peter Hansen Elementary, Team 10, Lammersville Unified School District

3rd: Bethany Elementary, Team 6, Lammersville Unified School District

4th: Jefferson School, Team 23, Jefferson Elementary School District

5th (tie): Jefferson School, Team 9, Jefferson Elementary School District

5th (tie): Peter Hansen Elementary, Team 22, Lammersville Unified School District


Highest Scoring Individuals


Abhinav Karthikeyan, Peter Hansen Elementary, Lammersville Unified School District

Darsh Goel, Julius Cordes Elementary, Lammersville Unified School District

Debadri Ghorai, Bethany Elementary, Lammersville Unified School District

Keerthi Senthilkumar, Jefferson School, Jefferson Elementary School District

Mohit Poosarla, Julius Cordes Elementary, Lammersville Unified School District

Nihal Gundu, EPIC Academy, Banta Unified School District

Shriyansh Kandukuri, Jefferson School, Jefferson Elementary School District

Vikram Ramakrishnan, Peter Hansen Elementary, Lammersville Unified School District

Posted: 4/23/2024