
ADR Series: #1 Connecting the Dots

The training is part of the SJC SELPA Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Collaborative Continuum.

Please join us for our ADR Workshop Series #1: Connecting the Dots! 

Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Time: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: Chartville 2


Inside SJC SELPA Rate: $10.00

Outside SJC SELPA Rate: $15.00

Workshop Description: A beginner course that will introduce the IEP process and components. The outcome of the training is to provide a better understanding of Special Education law and terminology, the roles and responsibilities of IEP team members, and the continuum of placement and service options.

A beginner course that will introduce the
IEP process and components. The outcome
of the training is to provide a better
understanding of Special Education law
and terminology, the roles and
responsibilities of IEP team members, and
the continuum of placement and service
optioA beginner course that will introduce theIEP process and components. The outcomeof the training is to provide a betterunderstanding of Special Education lawand terminology, the roles andresponsibilities of IEP team members, andthe continuum of placement and serviceoptions.
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Posted: 8/31/2022