This is the latest novel coronavirus update (COVID-19) update from the San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE).
Please note that circumstances can change quickly, and this information is subject to change.
San Joaquin County Superintendent of Schools James Mousalimas today announced a recommendation to extend the closure of all public schools in San Joaquin County through Friday, April 17, 2020, to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
The action follows public orders to stay at home issued by the Governor of California on March 19 and by San Joaquin County's Public Health Officer and its Emergency Services Director on March 21.
"During this unprecedented public health emergency, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of our children, our families, and our entire community. In the interest of public safety, I am recommending that all public schools in San Joaquin County remain closed through Friday, April 17. Extending current school closures will help prevent the transmission of COVID-19, which is essential to protecting the most vulnerable members of our community and reducing the potential strain on our health care system," Mousalimas said. "Schools play an important role in our communities. Since school closures began, district leaders, teachers, and other school staff across San Joaquin County have been working diligently to provide meals and instructional opportunities for all children."
The recommendation from Mousalimas to extend the school closure is an extension of his March 13 recommendation to close schools. This is a rapidly changing situation and recommendations may change based upon the latest guidance or orders from federal, state, or local agencies.
The San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) continues to communicate daily with public health officials and district leaders in order to monitor and respond to the evolving situation. Over the past two weeks, the SJCOE and school districts have adapted to the emergency to continue to provide vital services to students and their families.
For updates, resources, and more information about COVID-19 and schools in San Joaquin County, go to Students and families should also refer to their school district's website or social media for information specific to them. For updates and local information about the countywide response to COVID-19, please go to