Early Education and Support
(209) 468.9031 • Staff Directory
Early Education Support & Services takes the lead role in projects promoting quality childcare, preschool education, and school readiness. Services include, but are not limited to, the AB 212 Staff Retention program, the School Readiness Rural Home Visitation project, and the Focus on Five Collaborative for Healthy Change Project. AB 212 offers educator stipends and professional development opportunities for the purpose of improving quality within preschool, center based childcare, and family childcare settings. The School Readiness Rural Home Visitation program works closely with parents, providers, and teachers in six San Joaquin County rural school districts facilitating linkages between early care, education, and kindergarten to promote a positive first school experience for children and families. The Focus on Five Collaborative for Healthy Change Project collaborates with multiple partners to support preschool teachers and families in implementing healthy habits within the classroom, home, and community.
ECE also provides coordination and staff support to the Children’s Services Coordinating Commission (CSCC). The primary goal of the CSCC is to address issues facing at-risk families and to ultimately reduce incidences of child abuse within San Joaquin County. Through a variety of projects and collaboration with community partners child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment programs are implemented, which offer a wide range of services to families in need of assistance.
Local Child Care Planning Council (LCCPC) also works collaboratively with ECE. LCCPC promotes the development of quality childcare and preschool programs through advocacy efforts, the completion of a countywide Child Care Needs Assessment, community outreach, and collaboration in the development and distribution of a comprehensive resource directory of services for children and families.
The San Joaquin County Council for the Quality Education and Care of Children (CQECC), first established as the San Joaquin County Local Child Care Planning Council (LCCPC), also works collaboratively with Early Childhood Education. CQECC promotes the development of quality childcare and preschool programs through advocacy efforts, the completion of a countywide Child Care Needs Assessment, community outreach, and collaboration in the development and distribution of a comprehensive resource directory of services for children and families.
Download the Strong Start San Joaquin App
The Strong Start San Joaquin app is designed to serve as an all-inclusive resource for parents with young children, school districts, community organizations, and early care and education professionals looking for information and resources related to quality early learning and care in San Joaquin County.
Strong Start San Joaquin allows for access to information about available programs and services, upcoming events, and resources on a wide variety of topics including quality child care, inclusion, professional learning opportunities, and more. Find the Strong Start San Joaquin app in the Apple and Google Play stores!
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